Valentines and Candy Grams

Valentine’s Day is a busy, exhausting day at school, and still I can’t help but like it.  I think it keeps me from having ever commiserated with the ‘bitter singles’ or referred to February 14th as “Singles Awareness Day.”

My students have no worries about whether someone bought them flowers, made reservations at the right restaurant, or picked up something sparkly for them… unless it’s a foil wrapper.

They are in it for the candy.

Not unlike Halloween, or Christmas, or Easter for that matter.

And as sugar is their currency, they have a tendency to bestow gifts of the same upon my desk.  I received a frightening amount of chocolate today. They are adorable.

We decorated huge, beautiful, heart-shaped cookies this afternoon and passed out valentines. The one new event this year was the 5th grade candy gram fundraiser. All last week the kids could spend a quarter during lunchtime to send a note and a lollipop to another student/teacher/etc…  and they were all delivered this afternoon. I was worried this could cause some hurt feelings, but if there were any problems in my room they kept it really quiet.  I liked the idea because it was in the spirit of giving, and surprising someone else.

I also found several candy grams on my desk. Peeked through them quickly, and thanked the kids, and then I came to the last one…


To: Mrs. Corey

From: Jesus

Yep. I got a candy gram from Jesus.  I was doing something really right today!

Okay, I know, the first obvious clue: My school has a decent representation of Hispanic students. But, I don’t have a Jesus (read Hey-zeus), and I haven’t had one in past years.  I don’t often pick up random admirer students.

Second clue: I’m guessing that if anyone is well aware that I’m not married… it’s Him. Just sayin’.

With a little detective work and the aid of a couple of co-workers, it was determined that there had been a delivery error, it was meant for Mrs. Corsi. She has a 2nd grade Jesus.

A little bit of a letdown, but I handed it over.

So now I am home with all of the above-mentioned candy. I can’t eat any of it tonight, because of fitness group tomorrow. (What idiot planned that for tomorrow? What? Oh… right. I did.) Let me tell you, those leftover, absolutely perfect sugar cookies are killing me softly. I can hear them (singing Lauryn Hill?) from the kitchen. Tomorrow my sweets… tomorrow.

I shared with Kenya. Not the chocolate, don’t worry. I am pretending that the student who gave me the little bear intended it to be a dog toy. And I’m not telling Kenya that I was re-gifting. She’s happy. That’s a happy face, ignore the haughty eyebrow.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hope there was love shared in all your lives today.

~ by Lindsey on February 14, 2011.

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